Five Reasons to Care About Your Brand

When you’re starting out as an entrepreneur, sometimes you can do all the marketing and all the sales pitches, but you just can’t seem to move that needle. You work tirelessly, but sometimes you just can’t reach those goals you’ve set for yourself. 

I see this all the time with clients, and I can usually narrow it down to one reason: There isn’t a brand to go along with your business.

The good news is this is a totally fixable issue! Here, I will outline five reasons why having a brand in your business is absolutely essential to making your business what you want it to be.


Your brand is who you are as a business, and the story that the brand tells should speak of your values and goals and the difference you want to make in the world with your product. Your audience should see this message in all of your content, whether that’s your website, your social media posts, or however else you engage your people.

When that message is loud and clear to your audience, they’ll actually engage with your content more. You’ll get the positive feedback you need to know you are reaching who you want to reach by connecting with them quicker. With a clear brand, your messaging is crafted to draw in the people you most want to serve.


If you don’t have a clear brand, it might feel like your marketing is all over the place with its message. Marketing that’s all over the place will bring nothing but disappointing results. 

With a brand, your message will be clearly designed to attract your ideal person, the person I call your “human.” Who do you want to serve? How do you want your product or service to impact their life? These are all questions that are answered when you create a brand. And with this laser-focused message, you will find your marketing will bring lower costs per lead or return ad spend. Seeing these savings will feel nothing less than rewarding.


Having a clear brand helps create what’s known as a “value proposition.” A value proposition is the “why” someone should do business with you. What makes you special? What makes your service or product unique? How will it be of more value to them than what your competitors have to offer?

When your brand is clear and robust, this value proposition becomes clear and strong, too. The result? Your product or service becomes less about the price to your customer and more about what you offer can help your customer.


None of us want to be an entrepreneur because we want to work hard and be miserable while doing it. We want the things we are passionate about to attract the right audience and have fun while that happens. 

Your brand is what will speak to that passion, and when its message comes out strong, all your sales efforts will be easier and more fun. People will want to work with you before you have a chance to pitch your product. When this starts happening, that’s how you know your brand is on track.


In my years as a growth expert, I have helped national and international companies reach their growth potential. When I work with them as a consultant, before we even look at their marketing strategies or their sales records, we look at their brand. No matter how big or small your company may be or how big you want it to grow, your brand being clear will make scaling your business and reaching your goals all the easier. 

At the end of the day, creating a brand that speaks to your ideal audience lets you get to be you. You no longer have to stress and work twice as hard to be everything for everyone. Your brand will let your true message come through clearly and find the people your message was designed for.

Are you ready to create a brand that’s authentically you and says what you want to say to your people? I can help with that! I would love to chat with you about how to start making your marketing and sales efforts so much easier!


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Leading With Values to Grow Your Brand