5 Powerful Marketing Strategies for Growth Consultants

When it comes to marketing, a lot of growth consultants feel like they are stuck in a catch-22. They know they need to be doing it, but they also feel like it's a waste of time. And unfortunately, that attitude can often lead to businesses neglecting this important piece of their overall marketing strategy. But is marketing really a waste of time? Well, that depends on how you approach it.

If you view marketing as just another task you have to check off your list, then yes, most likely you won't be moving the needle in your company. But if you think of marketing as an opportunity to connect with your customers and create relationships with them, then it can be extremely valuable. And when done correctly, it can actually help you save time and money in the long run.


Referral marketing and relationship marketing are two very similar concepts. However, there is a key difference: referral marketing is based on a one-time transaction, while relationship marketing is based on the idea of developing long-term customer relationships.

Both referral and relationship marketing are powerful tools for growing your business. Relationship marketing is the number one way to grow your company because it builds trust and loyalty among customers. When a business looks to increase its customer base, it is important to consider the lifetime value of new customers. In a study by Harvard Business Review, it was found that the lifetime value for new referral customers is 16 times that of other customers and 84% of B2B decisions are made based on referrals. Thus, it is evident that businesses should focus on increasing referral traffic in order to see a positive return on investment.

There are a number of ways businesses can increase referral traffic and start relationship marketing. Some of the most common methods include providing excellent customer service, creating an engaging social media presence, and sending regular email newsletters. Whatever methods you choose, make sure that you are constantly putting your customers first, being proactive and responsive to feedback, and focusing on what your customers want and need. By keeping your customers at the forefront of your mind, you can create a business that is both profitable and satisfying for everyone involved.


One way to maintain strong business relationships is by staying in touch with your referral partners. It keeps you in close proximity to your best connections and top of mind for when their circles might intersect with opportunities that are a good fit for you. Your follow-up can be as simple as sending a quick email or text every so often to let them know you're thinking of them. You might also want to include an update on what's going on with your business, or share a relevant article or blog post. Unless we stay in touch regularly, our connections will easily forget who we are and what we do. Whatever you do, make sure your outreach is something that shows you're interested in maintaining the relationship and that you aren't just pitching your services.


We must remember that continued persistence in your follow-up system is eventually rewarded with a sale. Through an easy-to-maintain workflow, you can outreach with your potential prospects, keep track of their preferred communication platform, your last conversations, and when you last connected. With our relationship marketing system product, you can easily implement a system that will help you keep track of your potential prospects and make the most of your outreach efforts.


Strategic collaborations are key to getting in front of other audiences, either in person through a joint venture or online through social media. By collaborating with other businesses or growth consultants, you can expose your brand to new markets and customers while building a new relationship with this audience. Instagram or Facebook lives, speaking events, podcast exchanges, or guest blogging are all great examples of collaborations that can expose your work to a whole new group of people who might not have otherwise heard of it. When choosing a partner for strategic collaboration, be sure to consider the other business's values and goals and that the partnership is beneficial for both businesses.


Facebook groups offer a great way to connect with others who share your interests or who have similar businesses. There are groups for just about every topic imaginable, so it's easy to find one that's relevant to you. You can join groups as a member or even start your own group if there isn't already one that meets your needs. Outreach to new connections and offer to connect on a connection call.

When it comes to social media marketing, many business owners and marketers focus on the wrong metric when it comes to social media marketing: the number of followers or fans they have. While having a large following is certainly beneficial, it's not the only factor that matters. What you need is support from those who are willing to help promote your content and vice versa. Your connections and relationships will move the needle in your business far more than vanity metrics ever could.


In order to systemize lead generation as your primary method of new client acquisition, you need to form strong relationships with other businesses. These relationships can help you tap into their customer base, and provide you with valuable leads and referrals. Here at Joybrand Creative, we've put together "The 3 Types of Consulting Packages That High-End Clients Love To Buy" that give you the top three ways to structure your growth consulting packages for maximum profitability. Be proactive in your marketing strategies, consistent in your interactions, and make the most of your networking relationships.


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