#170: The Power of Video in AI-Driven Marketing

As we move into the future of business, one of the biggest players in the game is undoubtedly artificial intelligence. In recent years, AI technology has been revolutionizing the way businesses do marketing and connect with their audiences. One of the most exciting developments in this field has been the use of video. Today, we're going to take a deep dive into the power of video in AI-driven marketing and explore why this technology is poised to become the future of business.

1. Personalization:

One of the most important benefits of AI-driven video marketing is personalization. By creating videos based on data and insights about individual users, businesses can ensure that their marketing messages are highly targeted, relevant, and resonant. With AI, you can analyze a consumer's browsing behavior and buyer history, as well as real-time interactions, to understand their preferences and tailor a marketing message to them. This makes users feel like a business understands and caters to their needs and interests, and encourages them to engage with the company.

2. Emotion:

Another key advantage of video for AI-driven marketing is emotion. Studies have shown that video is more effective at creating an emotional response than any other format of content. This means that well-crafted videos can elicit powerful, emotional reactions from viewers, leading to a stronger bond between the viewer and the brand. By leveraging AI to personalize content to each viewer's preferences, it becomes easier to create highly effective video content that evokes an emotional response.

3. Cost-Effective:

AI technology can make the process of creating high-quality video content more affordable and efficient than ever before. While high-quality video creation was once viewed as a luxury only large corporations could afford, today's AI-powered video creation tools provide a cost-effective way to create compelling videos that can drive results. This makes video marketing more accessible than ever before for businesses of all sizes and budgets, giving them the opportunity to compete with larger corporations.

4. Better Data Insights:

As AI technology continues to make strides, data insights are becoming increasingly valuable to businesses. AI-driven video marketing can provide insights that help identify ways to improve video content to meet the needs and preferences of customers. This data-driven approach can inform various aspects of a marketing strategy, such as how to improve the intended audience's experience or how to improve the video content to boost engagement.

5. Improved Conversion Rates:

Finally, video content is known to have a positive impact on conversion rates. When marketing campaigns utilize AI-driven video, these campaigns can benefit from curated messaging, emotionally resonant and visually appealing storytelling, and personalized product recommendations. This, in turn, can lead to increased conversion rates and sales for brands.


In conclusion, the benefits of AI-driven video marketing cannot be overstated. Personalization, emotion, and cost-effectiveness are all huge advantages that come with incorporating AI into video marketing strategies. As AI technology continues to advance and become more accessible to businesses of all sizes, video will only become more important for driving conversions, establishing brand loyalty, and engaging users. By getting a head start and investing in AI-driven video marketing now, businesses can reap the rewards and stay ahead in an increasingly competitive and fast-paced market.

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Laura 00:00

Have you ever watched a video and just felt an immediate connection to what you were seeing? Or maybe you discovered a local gym or spa, and you started to see the inside of it, and you're thinking, "oh, I didn't realize it look like that I'd actually like to go in there". And if this is something that you've been just kind of noticing, I want to share with you today about the magical blend of video and AI, especially for local health and wellness businesses, but really any kind of business, and why video is such a powerhouse in the digital realm. And why combined with AI, it can dramatically increase bookings, show rates, and even boost membership retention. So, let's get started. I think this is going to really help you and your business.

Laura 00:52

Welcome to the AI-Driven Marketing p podcast. This is a place where we deliver quick and insightful weekly tips about 10 minutes or less on what's new and groundbreaking in the world of marketing AI. I'm your host, Laura Meyer a 20 plus year entrepreneur and marketing expert. If you are excited about staying ahead of the curve and harnessing the potential of AI in your marketing strategies, you're in the right place. Let's go.

Laura 01:22

This morning, I dropped my boys off at ninja camp at a place called iCORE Fitness in West Chester, Pennsylvania. If you're listening to this, and you're from Pennsylvania, and you're familiar with it, send me a message on Instagram. Because I had been hearing about this place from my son's friend's mom, and picking up her two sons brought my two sons over there, dropped them all off this morning. And it was kind of an inconspicuous entrance. It was at like an office park and you know, just not a lot going on. And I really wanted to see the inside of it. I was like, what does this place look like? I've heard that people who work out here go on, like national competition, fitness ninja shows whatever that those shows are on TV. And so, I ended up like walking into the front lobby, which of course didn't share with me at all what was happening in the background. So, I nosily dropped the boys off, let them run inside. And I like rounded the corner. A couple of the college aged guys that were working at the front desk are looking at me like Lady, where are you going?

Laura 02:32

But I wanted to see like, what is it that these boys are going to be doing. And of course, I walked in and I was like, Alright, I get why I just drove a half hour and pretty much took like an hour and a half by the time I picked up my kids friends to get here because it's awesome. They're bouncing on these huge trampolines. There's this like spider thing that they're like rappelling off of theirs walls, they're climbing. I was like this is awesome. But I was also thinking I sort of wish I had seen this previously; it probably would have convinced me a lot more in terms of my buy in to come to this location. And not only that, but maybe I would have

signed up for more than one week. So, this is where video can really help stepping into the world of video. We are so drawn to moving images accompanied by sound and it tugs at our heartstrings and sparks our curiosity. But there's an actual science and psychology behind it. And I'm going to share with you in this podcast episode why that is. The first is that emotional connection. This is how videos resonate and just engage people. Because we are wired to be visual, you've probably heard the saying we're Wired for Story. But we're also wired to be visual. We're very much programmed to understand the world around us primarily through our own eyes. And when we see a person's face in their expressions and hear their voice, there's that instantaneous emotional engagement, which isn't just like marketing mumbo jumbo. It's truly hardwired into our brains.

Laura 04:05

So, for any type of local business, we specialize particularly in health and wellness in some nonprofits. This means showcasing real people real results, real experiences. And if we can show that before and after transformation of a client, their journey captured in short video snippets. It's impactful as genuine and it resonates deeply with viewers. Right now. We are working on a custom consulting project with an Australian based natural care cancer care product. And when you watch the videos, it kind of makes everything else that we're building in the sales funnel are relevant because the videos are so powerful of people who are told that they had very little time left to live but went on to live for years and decades afterwards. And when you watch that video and you see yours have in that video as a cancer patient and is incredibly compelling. The second is that video naturally builds trust and authenticity. So, moving on to trust and an era with face filters and airbrushed photos. Authenticity is a precious commodity. videos, especially raw unfiltered ones offer a slice of reality for any type of local business in the health and wellness sector. This can just be a behind the scenes on what it is like to experience that service or to see candid customer testimonials.

Laura 05:36
Whenever I'm working with an in house marketing team and they over produce the customer testimonials they create, you know, funny transitions or put captions on I asked them to take it off, because what it does is it reduces the authenticity in that video, because when potential clients see real people vouching for the services or get a peek into daily operations, and it's not overproduced, it feels organic and natural, that trust factor skyrockets. And then finally, why visual content sticks. So let's talk about the memorability of videos. So think back to your favorite ad or viral video. And you probably remember it because maybe like a catchy song or a powerful storyline or compelling visuals. So according to studies, viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to just 10% when reading it in a text, and that is a massive difference. So for health and wellness businesses, this means your promotional videos, explainer videos, even short clips can stay in your customers mind for longer, making them much more likely to book an appointment, or sign up for a membership.

So an essence video isn't just a marketing tool, it is such a powerful medium to connect, build trust, leave a lasting impression, and help people and regardless of whether or not they decide to do business with you. So I hope this really shares with you the brain science behind videos, why they're so powerful, and marketing. So let's dive into how you can use it to increase the amount of people coming through your business. So it's not just again, about creating that narrative and connecting with your audience, but really utilizing innovative ways paired with AI, and how you can leverage that video to grow your operation.

Laura 07:27
So when we use customer testimonials behind the scenes, visual tours, how to videos, this is where people start saying to themselves, hmm, I might want to actually participate in that service, when I see those amenities, or when I meet those staff members. Or when I start seeing that video again. And again, it creates that familiarity, which makes it more likely to step in with confidence when they decide to visit. And when we think about okay, how can we use AI? How can we use this technology to increase bookings, there's a couple different ways. The first is reminder videos. And this is one of my favorite ways to increase show rates. So if you are offering a service that's either complimentary, so complimentary consults, which would be quite common in health and wellness, or very inexpensive intro appointments, where maybe people pay a little bit of money, but they're still unsure as to whether or not they want to actually show up. Instead of using traditional text or email reminders, imagine sending a personalized video to your clients that's running on automation, AI based automation. But you can say something like, "hey, Laura, here, I am so excited to meet you on Thursday when you come in for your appointment. I've got everything ready for you. And when you come in, just do me a favor and ask for me, I'd love to say hello to you". For those of you who are trying to increase your show rates, which could double the amount of appointments that you're getting in your business. This is such a simple, effective, inexpensive way to recognize each individual and make that personal connection and let them know how much you value them while also increasing the likelihood that they'll show up by a significant amount. That's like my favorite trick to increase show up rates almost immediately.

Laura 09:33
The second is member spotlights so again, you can feature regular members and videos and based on where somebody is in your customer journey, whether they're a repeat customer or they're a prospect that haven't hasn't come in yet, you can feature people who have had success with your product and shine the spotlight on regular members or regular patients showcasing their story achievements even if it's just their daily routine. Maybe it's outside I'd have what you help with. But it shows behind the scenes of their lives at fosters that sense of belonging. It tells your customers, your members, your patients, hey, we see you, and we appreciate you. And not only booth not only boosts morale, but it increases loyalty, where

people who are part of your community paid or unpaid, feel this profound connection to a place where they're recognized, celebrated and connected.

Laura 10:27
And finally, feedback loops. This is so great, where you can use AI driven interactive videos to gather member feedback, and just use that feedback to improve your services. So we all know that feedback is the cornerstone of any type of improvement if you're in health and wellness. Or let's say that you are a functional medicine doctor, obviously, getting those test results back and using it as feedback is critical to your practice part of your process. But you know, a lot of times like customer survey data, when we're gathering that it can be pretty boring right to the customer. So using video surveys or interactive videos can range from Ai driven prompts. Asking about a client or patients recent session to more in depth video surveys where clients can visually show or explain their services is not only engaging, but it often captures nuances that text feedback might miss. So incorporating these strategies leads to a more vibrant, engaged and loyal client base.

Laura 11:29
So, when you combine that visual power of video with the intelligence of AI, you're not just serving your clients, you're engaging them on a whole new level. Videos have the innate power to engage, evoke emotions, build trust, and make lasting impressions. And when we infuse this with precision, personalization, and the intelligence of AI, really opens up a whole nether realm of possibilities. So, this combination can truly set you apart, helping you to resonate with more of your ideal clients and just expand the amount of people that you are able to help. So, if you found this really interesting, I think you will love my training that I just released. It's called Make More Sales with AI and you can get it at make more sales with ai.com. This is where I'm going to be sharing a lot of these tools and details on how it can help you grow your practice, grow your wellness company, and where you can understand how to piece these together in a way that applies to your specific practice. And if you've loved this podcast episode, or have questions or comments, I would just love to hear from you. So, share your success stories, challenges, even aha moments, and drop me a message comment on the blog post that corresponds with this podcast. And I really look forward to helping you revolutionize the world of health and wellness together. Thanks so much for tuning in. And until next time, keep innovating, keep connecting and keep making a difference with your gifts and talents. I'll talk to you soon.

Laura 13:10

Thank you for tuning in to the AI-Driven marketing podcast. Before we wrap up, I just want to remind you that you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI by going to makemoresaleswithai.com. This is where I dive deeper into the AI revolution in marketing with our free training. And if you've enjoyed today's episode, please share it with others who might

find it valuable. And if you can also just take a moment to leave us a review, I would greatly appreciate it. Your support helps us continue to bring you the top insights in the field of AI driven marketing. Until next time, remember AI is here and it's transforming the marketing landscape. Stay Ahead, stay informed, and most importantly, stay excited. I'll see you soon!

Welcome to the AI-Driven Marketing Podcast! Join host Laura Meyer, a 20+ year veteran entrepreneur and marketing expert, as she unveils the future of marketing that's already at your fingertips. Each episode offers quick, valuable insights, news, and practical tips about how AI is revolutionizing the marketing landscape, shaping how businesses engage with customers, and enhancing marketing strategies. Tune in to stay ahead, informed, and excited about the remarkable opportunities that AI brings to the world of marketing.


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