#167: AI and Information Accuracy

AI has become a part of our lives and it is increasing its presence in almost all aspects. From banking to healthcare, companies are turning to AI technology to improve the accuracy of data and reduce human errors. But can you trust AI to give you accurate information?

In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits and drawbacks of trusting AI-generated information when making decisions. We will also discuss why it's important to remain vigilant and verify any data before relying on it.

Benefits of using AI for Generating Accurate Data

More reliable: Artificial intelligence algorithms can help process large amounts of data with greater accuracy than humans, leading to better decisions.

Faster processing: AI systems can process data faster than humans, which helps reduce response time and improve efficiency.

Reduced errors: AI-generated data is free from human error and bias, which makes it more accurate and reliable when making decisions.

Cost savings: AI technology can help companies save on costs associated with manual data entry and analysis.

Drawbacks of using AI for Generating Accurate Data

Privacy issues: The use of AI algorithms to process sensitive information raises concerns about privacy and security.

Lack of transparency: It may be difficult to understand the underlying processes behind the data generated by an AI system, which makes it harder to trust the results.

• Unpredictable behavior: AI systems can sometimes produce unpredictable results due to unforeseen circumstances, making it difficult to rely on them in critical situations.

Why It's Important To Remain Vigilant When Using AI-Generated Information

It is important to remain vigilant when using AI-generated information as the accuracy of the data can be affected by a variety of factors. Here are some things you need to consider before trusting an AI system for decision making:

Verify sources: Verify the source and validity of any data before relying on it for decisions.

Check accuracy: Use testing techniques such as cross validation or neural networks to check the accuracy of AI generated data.

Evaluate results: Evaluate the results of AI-generated information to ensure they meet the expectations and goals set out for the project.

Be aware of biases: Be aware of any possible bias in an AI system that might affect its decisions or generate inaccurate data.


In conclusion, trusting AI to give you accurate information is not as simple as it may seem. You need to remain vigilant and take into account various factors before relying on any data generated by an AI system. It is also important to verify sources and evaluate results to ensure accuracy and reliability when making decisions. With proper care, using AI for generating accurate information can be a valuable asset in decision making processes.

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Laura 00:00

Have you ever stopped to question the accuracy of the data that you're getting back from AI tools? Or have you just trusted it because, well, it's AI. So, I want to share with you the truths about AI and how much you can trust it, and bust the myths about artificial intelligence and marketing. Today, we're addressing a topic that often gets pushed to the sidelines, but it's so critical and the ethical use of AI, which is the accuracy of information that AI provides and the role that we play in ensuring its accuracy. In this rapidly quickly evolving an AI world. It's so critical that we're not just implementing AI and using chat GPT. But we're doing it responsibly, because it's up to us every single one of us to shape the future of AI when it comes to how we use it and sales and marketing. So, I want everybody listening to get ready to dive in about how much you can trust AI how much you can trust business decisions, how much you can trust your customers to it when it comes to using AI for sales and marketing.

Laura 01:12

Welcome to the AI-Driven Marketing podcast. This is a place where we deliver quick and insightful weekly tips about 10 minutes or less on what's new and groundbreaking in the world of marketing AI. I'm your host, Laura Meyer, a 20 plus year entrepreneur and marketing expert. If you are excited about staying ahead of the curve and harnessing the potential of AI in your marketing strategies, you're in the right place. Let's go.

Laura 01:44

Alright, so let's just start from the ground up. To truly understand the accuracy of AI is information, we need to grasp how much it gathers and processes information. So, AI, particularly machine learning models, like chat GPT rely on vast databases of information to learn. I talked about this in this lesson, the last podcast episode. And the databases are not unlike the human brain, in terms of how they gather together that data. They're sorting and processing information is available anywhere on the internet. So, while AI has the advantage of scale and speed, and it can sift through and learn from billions of data points in a fraction of the time that it would take a human, we have to understand that it is relative to the information that it's gathering. And this is where things start getting really interesting. So, when we put a prompt into AI, the AI brain produces an output based on what it knows of the database. So, it's not just regurgitating facts and figures, it's synthesizing the knowledge that it has access to and predicting the best possible answer in a similar way in which we as humans would. So, consider it this way. If we ask a question, the AI uses knowledge much like a person would use its memory to generate a response. But unlike a human and AI system cannot dependently verify the accuracy of its output.

Laura 03:20

That's why it's relying on the quality and credibility of how it got that information in the first place. So that old saying of garbage in garbage out holds true when it comes to AI as well. High quality accurate data or access to databases will output reliable information, while poor quality or inaccurate sources can lead to misleading or incorrect outputs, which AI isn't innately human, so it doesn't necessarily know the difference. So now that we've established the mechanics of AI, when it comes to information processing, we want to delve into an aspect that's often overlooked. But it plays a huge role in the accuracy of AI generated information, which is the engineering. So, when we talk about the engineering of AI, it's the inputs. It's what we put into AI, and the information that we engineer called prompt engineering, which is how we're directing the algorithms in the systems and how we're asking it to develop the in process, the vast amounts of information that AI handles. And unlike humans, AI isn't born with a brain, right? It's not born with a brain full of knowledge. It's the engineering behind it that feeds the fine tuning of the algorithms, and ultimately guides that machine learning process for the systems.

Laura 04:48

So, they set the rules of the game. That's what engineering does. The quality of the engineering directly impacts how AI can learn and therefore the quality of the output that it produces. So great AI engineering just goes beyond technical proficiency. It involves emotional intelligence, a deep understanding of the ethics and responsibilities of how this information is handled. And engineers who are building these AI systems, they build a system that's capable of providing reliable, unbiased or trustworthy information. This is everything from learning how to curate the quality of data, how to teach the AI to creating systems that flag or filter out potential misinformation. So, in essence, behind every AI component that we interact with, whether it's chat GPT, or it's a sales assistant, like what we use it joy for and creative. There are teams of engineers working tirelessly to make sure that the information is as accurate and reliable as possible. But we're still figuring it out. Right? This is still a work in progress. So, in a lot of ways, AI is like a mirror of our society. The data that it learns is derived from humans’ behaviors and historical records. And if that data is biased or incorrect, that AI is to, and that can reflect and amplify these biases. And that's why the responsibility and handling data when it comes to AI is not just important, it is essential. AI has this vast capacity to learn, analyze and predict which makes it immensely powerful. But has the saying goes with great power comes great responsibility. That's why I am making these podcast episodes. That's why I want so many listeners here to be carefully tuning in and making sure that you're sharing it with as many people as possible because we all need to have this collective ethical responsibility around how we're using the AI.

Laura 06:57

And as users of AI. It is our duty as humans on this planet who want to have a positive impact and do good in the world to ensure that it's used in a way that is fair, respectful and

transparent. The accuracy of AI produced information isn't really just a question of technology. It's a matter of ethical integrity. And that's why we want to make sure with any AI systems we use, whether it's for marketing or any other purposes, is designed with ethical principles in mind, not just a means to an end, but providing fair and responsible outputs. So, while AI can deliver vast amounts of information at incredible speeds, there are scenarios where we have to rely on human verification. So, think about fields like law, medicine, or finance. The stakes in these fields are too high, and the repercussions of an accuracies are too severe. So, for example, in a legal argument, you can't afford for the content to be wrong as it could lead to serious misjudgments and injustices. And this is where the concept of a human in the loop AI comes into play in sales and marketing. It's what I like to call human rollover. So even as we embrace the power of AI, we have to acknowledge that there's no substitute for the nuanced understanding and ethical judgment and contextual interpretation that humans innately bring to the table when it comes to AI. So, the role of human oversight in the utilization of AI is so important. Even as the AI learns or improves, it's our job to guide manage, when necessary, correct. It's course as the saying goes, trust but verify. When it comes to AI. We have to trust its power but ensure that it's underpinned by human wisdom and judgment.

Laura 08:52

Just as I'm recording this podcast, I am watching interactions go back and forth with several of our client sites and AI, right as we speak, I'm going in I'm correcting it, I am redirecting it, I am making sure that the customer is getting complete what white glove customer service with the speed and convenience and ease of AI, but with the emotional intelligence that's required at this point in the game with AI to ensure that's delivering the highest quality output. So again, this is never when it comes to ensuring that AI can deliver accurate information. It's never about replacing humans with machines. It's rather about augmenting human abilities, enhancing our productivity and facilitating better decision making. So with AI, it's not just about trusting the machine but verifying its outputs. So I want you to think critically about the quality of information you consume, whether it comes from AI or not, and whether or not you engage with it responsibly. Of course if it comes from people magazine or page six, or if it comes from Encyclopedia Britannica, you are going to treat it differently, right? They have different sources, different outputs. And this is why we need to trust but verify at this stage in the game with AI. And this is something that I think is so important.

Laura 10:20
There was a recent court case you probably heard of it, where a lawyer did its research with Chat GPT. And that research was inaccurate. And when the judge found out in question, the lawyer, the lawyer had to fess up and say that it got some of its information from Chat GPT. This, again, is where the stakes are too high. And right now we have to rely on humans, this may be an area where AI just isn't developed yet enough to really provide enough efficiency to be worth the technological investment. Other areas like sales or marketing, if you make a

mistake, and the spa service is going to be available on Thursday and not Friday, that isn't quite as critical. But the convenience of having an AI based sales assistant, for example, far outweighs any negatives around having to correct course, from time to time. So this is where I want to continue coming here to spark thoughtful conversations about the ethical and responsible use of AI. I want to hear from you. What do you think about this? What are some of the things that you've been curious about when it comes to responsible and ethical AI. And if you're loving this content, I have so much more AI based content based on my research, I'm keeping up to date every single week, poring through tons of white papers and research and, and releases so that you don't have to. And if you love this, make sure to leave a review, share it with your friends, let them know about this podcast. And also if you're a business owner, and you're trying to figure out how you can use AI to make more sales, I have a great training. It'll provide so much insight on how this technology can be used to increase sales in your company at get more sales with ai.com. That's get more sales with ai.com. It'll deepen your understanding of how AI can revolutionize your marketing efforts. So until next time, keep questioning, keep researching, keep learning and keep driving your mission forward. Thank you so much for tuning in. And I'll see you soon.

Laura 12:33
Thank you for tuning in to the AI-Driven marketing podcast. Before we wrap up, I just want to remind you that you can learn more about how to make more sales with AI by going to makemoresaleswithai.com. This is where I dive deeper into the AI revolution in marketing with our free training. And if you've enjoyed today's episode, please share it with others who might find it valuable. And if you can also just take a moment to leave us a review. I would greatly appreciate it. Your support helps us continue to bring you the top insights in the field of AI driven marketing. Until next time, remember AI is here and it's transforming the marketing landscape. Stay Ahead, stay informed, and most importantly, stay excited. I'll see you soon.

Welcome to the AI-Driven Marketing Podcast! Join host Laura Meyer, a 20+ year veteran entrepreneur and marketing expert, as she unveils the future of marketing that's already at your fingertips. Each episode offers quick, valuable insights, news, and practical tips about how AI is revolutionizing the marketing landscape, shaping how businesses engage with customers, and enhancing marketing strategies. Tune in to stay ahead, informed, and excited about the remarkable opportunities that AI brings to the world of marketing.


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