#163: Understanding the Social Influence of Marketing

Marketing is a powerful tool. It has the potential to shape and even define a brand’s public persona, ultimately impacting consumer perception and behavior. And in the modern era, this impact can be greatly amplified through social media. To truly understand how marketing influences social dynamics, it is vital to consider both the good and the bad.

What is Social Influence?

Social influence occurs when an individual or group's behavior, opinions, or beliefs are affected by others. This type of influence can be seen in any kind of social situation, from the workplace to the home. With marketing, social influence takes the form of advertisements and other promotion tactics that are designed to shape consumer behavior and opinion.

The Benefits of Marketing in Social Media

Social media gives marketers an incredibly powerful tool for promoting their brands and products. Ads on major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can reach millions of people at once, creating exposure on an unprecedented scale. Additionally, these campaigns are highly customizable and trackable, allowing marketers to target specific demographics and measure the success of their efforts in real time.

Challenges and Potential Dangers with Social Influence

While marketing can be a very effective tool for driving sales and shaping public opinion, there are risks that come with using it in the realm of social media. For instance, if not used carefully, a company’s message can be misinterpreted or even go viral in an undesired way. Additionally, unchecked influence can lead to unethical behaviors like manipulation or exploitation of vulnerable populations.

Strategies to Maximize Positive Impact

The key to successfully leveraging the power of social influence is to ensure that campaigns are crafted with both purpose and responsibility. When creating a campaign, marketers should think carefully about their message as well as the potential consequences it could have. Additionally, companies should take steps to protect vulnerable populations by clearly communicating any risks associated with their products or services. Lastly, they should ensure that all marketing tactics comply with applicable laws and regulations.

In summary, social influence can be a very powerful tool for marketers. It has the potential to create positive change and shape public opinion in a meaningful way. However, it is important to recognize the risks associated with this type of influence and take steps to mitigate them. Through careful planning and responsible execution, companies can use social influence to maximize positive impact and achieve their desired goals.

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Laura 00:00

Today I'm going to challenge an assumption, an assumption that is the cornerstone of so many marketing practices that I'm seeing online. And this assumption, if left unchecked, could be obstructing your impact stifling the growth of your organization, and more tragically muffling the call of your mission. So, imagine, there's in a moment that there is this myth circling, and it's causing organizations to undercut their potential and generate online content that just kind of dies when people read it. And as I'm looking at more and more websites, and enrollment funnels, I'm finding that this myth has made its way into strategies, messaging, and very much an outlook towards marketing. And it's probably hampering your organization's potential more than you realize. So today, I'm going to be unveiling this myth and how we debunk it, I'm going to be talking about a shift that's more than just a mere tweak in your approach, it's really a radical rethink of the way in which you approach marketing. So, hold on to your seats, because we're about to revolutionize your understanding of mission driven marketing.

Laura 01:24

Welcome to the Mission-Driven Marketing Podcast where we turn marketing into a powerful force for good. I'm your host, Laura Meyer ready to journey with you as we explore strategies that go beyond selling products and services and towards sparking real change. So, whether you're a marketer and entrepreneur, a nonprofit, or higher education leader, or simply somebody who wants to make a positive impact, this podcast is for you. Let's drive forward your mission together.

Laura 02:04
The greatest agent for change, the greatest catalyst in your marketing strategy isn't your products function. It's the transformational outcome it provides. You've probably heard me say this time and time again. Yet, as I go from website to website, as we're starting to get more and more new clients, I'm finding that almost every organization focuses their efforts really, by default, on what their services do, rather than the change those services create. And what happens is that we're so close to our own offers and programs that we forget that our audience doesn't live and breathe our mission in our work. They have their own lives, their own challenges and their own dreams. And it's our job to clearly communicate how we fit into their world, not how they're supposed to fit in our world. This is the aha moment that we're aiming for. And it's really a shift from just highlighting product mechanics or service functions to articulating the transformative experience of your offer. And that shift that focus on the outcome rather than the output is the game changer in mission driven marketing. And that's what's going to take your organization from being just another website, to becoming a lighthouse for those seeking change. And I'm going to be sharing with you today exactly how to make that pivot.

Laura 03:36
But first, let's talk about a company that realize the power of transformational messaging. And it changed its game. It's a little company you might have heard of called Dove. And you might be thinking dove this soap company. Yeah, exactly. Them, you see, Dove began its journey just like any other soap manufacturer. They marketed their product based on its functionality. It was soap for clean skin, right. But there was a pivotal moment, when dove decided to swim against the current. They realized their soap wasn't just about getting clean. It was about how it made people feel. It was about the transformation that occurred when somebody use their product, a feeling of freshness, a sense of confidence, and an aura of natural beauty. So instead of focusing on what their product does, they shifted to focus on how their product transforms the user. They started to champion real beauty, focusing on body positivity, and the natural beauty of all women instead of using traditional beauty standards. This wasn't just about selling soap anymore. It was about igniting a movement, evoking strong emotions and building a community that deeply resonated with their brand message. This move didn't just skyrocket their sales but all also help them build a deeply loyal customer base. It's a testament to the fact that when you stop selling the what, and start selling the why your marketing stops becoming a monologue and start becoming a dialogue. And isn't that what we all strive for a conversation, a connection and a community. Your mission driven organization is no different. You have a mission that goes beyond functionality, and it's time your marketing goes to. So let's dive into three crucial mistakes that I see organizations making every day, and how we can learn from brands like to make a transformative impact.

Laura 05:42
As with Dove being an example of positive transformational marketing, it's no surprise that their sales went from 2.5 billion to 4 billion, representing a substantial growth for the brand as a result of these videos filled with emotional storytelling and powerful messages, many of which went viral, earning millions of views and shares. So how can you take doves lessons on how they turn their marketing around with a transformational approach, and look at your own business, analyze some common mistakes that organizations like yours are making, and how it might be stopping you from achieving a similar breakthrough. The first of this is assuming that your audience has educated themselves before making a buying decision. So, this might sound counter intuitive, after all, in the era of information at our fingertips. Don't most of us research before we buy? The answer is yes. But probably not as thoroughly as you might think. So many of us do preliminary research. But here's the kicker, not everybody is drawing a clear line between the service you provide the organizational education you provide, and how it will ultimately benefit them. They might know what your product or service does. But do they fully understand the transformation it can bring into their lives? And the answer quite often is no. And this is where we stumble often as marketers.

Laura 07:25

Think about it. We're so deeply entrenched in our industries, and we're so familiar with our offerings, that it can be really easy to forget that our audience is not on the same page. They don't live and breathe our work as we do, they might have a basic understanding of what we offer, but the finer details, the true value, and the profound transformations we can facilitate is not obvious to them. So as marketers, it is our job to bridge this gap. We have to be those translators who turn quote unquote, industry speak into everyday language, and become the guides that can vividly illustrate the journey from the before to the coveted after, we need to paint a picture of what their lives could look like with our product or service in it. And to do that we have to assume that they know less than they often do, we need to start at the very beginning and lay out the journey for them in a way that feels personal, relatable, and above all, transformational to their greatest problem. So in doing this, we're not only aiding their understanding, or we're also building trust and establishing relationship. We're showing them that we understand their needs, their dreams and their fears. And we're here to help them navigate through it all. In essence, we're not just selling a product or service, we're selling a vision of a better transformed future. And that's what truly resonates with people.

Laura 08:59
This brings me to the second critical mistake I see time and time again. When communicating with our audiences. Many of us fall into the trap of leading with functionality rather than outcome. We tell the features of our product or service, perhaps we list all the fantastic things that are included in a package or offering. But focusing on the What's we overlooked the whys and that's when we lose our audience. So let's take a step back and ponder this. Do people buy a product for its features, or they buy it for the outcome those features will deliver. More often than not, it's the latter. Your audience wants to know how your product or service will improve their lives, solve their problems, and help them achieve their goals. They want to understand the transformation that they will undergo and the difference it will make the features and functionality, while absolutely essential are really a means to an end. So when I first visit websites, and I'm constantly looking at new client enrollment processes sales processes, I often just see from the get go a rattling off of the list of features and services, instead of painting a picture of the outcome. So let's not just tell our audience what they're buying, but also why they would be buying it. Let's start talking about the transformation that our services facilitate that the educational transformation that takes place, and make it vivid and so palpable, that our audience can already see, feel and taste the change. In this way, we're not just offering a product or service, we're offering a pathway to a better life, a solution to a really hard problem, and a bridge to achieving dreams. And that is what truly compels people to say yes, for the right reasons.

Laura 11:11
And finally, as we move into our third critical mistake, we tackle the bane of every marketer’s existence, which is blending in with the noise. In our current digital age, everyone is

bombarded with advertisements and messages every single day. And when everything starts to look and sound the same, it is way easy just to scroll past. Many organizations are guilty of starting with what their services can do. They begin again with the nuts and bolts of their offering this very same facts and figures that every other competitors, also advertising. But the problem here is we don't invite our audiences to feel something. They more than anything, want a connection, an emotional response that draws them in, it makes your offer memorable. They want a connection, an emotional response that draws them in and makes your message memorable. That's where the magic of story based hooks comes into play. Stories if you've probably heard me say before, have the power to captivate, to intrigue to elicit emotion and just to make your audience feel seen and understood. They transform your service from just another blip on the digital radar to a standout beacon that guides your audience home. So when we're creating that content is so important to break away from the ordinary, and stop just stating the obvious. Instead, we've compelling stories that catch our audience's attention. That also resonates with their experiences and aspirations. tell the stories that they can see themselves in, that won't just inform but also inspire. Because at the end of the day, that's what our audiences will remember. And that's what will set you apart from the noise.

Laura 13:10
So, there we have it, mission driven marketers, these are the three key mistakes that are just so common, and how to steer clear of them. So, you might be thinking like, okay, so what's the big deal here? Well, here it is by reevaluating your approach to marketing and avoiding these three pitfalls. You're not just tweaking your communication strategy; you're fundamentally changing the way your audience perceives you. You're moving away from just being another service provider to being a partner in their journey. And you're no longer just another face in the crowd, but a beacon of transformation. This shift won't just impact your engagement metrics or click through rates, it will lead to deeper connections with your audience to genuine relationships built on understanding and shared values, you'll see a marked increase in your organization's reach and influence. But even more importantly, you'll be delivering on your mission in a more impactful way. Because marketing isn't just about sales. It's about connecting, inspiring and transforming. And when you tap into that power, there's no limit to what you can achieve. And with that powerful note, we wrap up another episode of the mission driven marketing podcast. So, I want to hear from you. How will you rethink your marketing approach given this podcast episode? How are you going to avoid common mistakes and start offering transformational outcomes to your audience? Drop me a message I'd love to hear from you. And let's get this conversation rolling. And if you need support and turning these insights into action, simply reach out to us visit us at Joybrandcreative.com That's www.Joybrand creative.com where we're all about fueling your mission with smart, effective marketing strategies. So, let's start creating more impactful out comes together.

Laura 15:03

That's a wrap on another episode of the Mission-Driven Marketing podcast. We hope our discussion today sparked fresh insights and inspired you to continue using marketing as a force for good. Remember, every strategy and story shared here is another step towards making a positive impact. And if you found value in this episode, be sure to subscribe, share it with your network and visit us at Joy brand creative.com For more resources, I'm your host, Laura Meyer signing off until next time, remember the change we wish to see begins with us keep making your mission matter and let's ignite change together.

Welcome to the Mission-Driven Marketing Podcast! Whether you're an admissions professional, marketing strategist, or educational leader, this podcast provides you with actionable ideas and inspiration to drive meaningful enrollment growth. With years of experience in the field, your host Laura Meyer brings her expertise and passion to every episode, offering insightful discussions and practical strategies to help increase enrollments for educational institutions. Join us as we delve into topics such as personalized marketing techniques, digital strategies, community engagement, and the power of storytelling to connect with prospective students. Get ready to embark on a mission to transform your institution's enrollment strategies and make a lasting impact in the educational landscape.


#164: Promotional Strategies: Mastering the Art of Getting Noticed


#162: Harnessing the Power of Communication with Carrie Fox, Founder & CEO of Mission Partners