#161: Welcome to Mission-Driven Marketing

Welcome to a special episode of our newly renamed show, the Mission -Driven Marketing Podcast. 

You might be wondering why the change?

Well, there's a few key reasons and they all tie back to who we are, what we do, and most importantly, who we serve. 

So whether you are a marketer and entrepreneur, a nonprofit or higher education leader, or simply somebody who wants to make a positive impact, this podcast is for you. 

Let's drive forward your mission together.

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Laura 00:01

Welcome to the Mission-Driven Marketing Podcast where we turn marketing into a powerful force for good. I'm your host, Laura Meyer ready to journey with you as we explore strategies that go beyond selling products and services and towards sparking real change. So, whether you are a marketer and entrepreneur, a nonprofit or higher education leader, or simply somebody who wants to make a positive impact this podcast is for you. Let's drive forward your mission together.

Laura 00:41

Hello, and welcome to a special episode of our newly renamed podcast now called the Mission-Driven Marketing podcast. You might be wondering why the change? Well, there's a few key reasons and they all tie back to who we are, what we do, and most importantly, who we serve. In our journey at Joybrand Creative, we have had the privilege to work with a unique blend of both nonprofit and for-profit organizations. And over time, we really begin to specialize in educational organizations, both for profit and nonprofit, those who are molding the future of our world. We've discovered that those organizations in particular have a deep desire, not just a market well, but to make meaningful, lasting change through their work.

Laura 01:27

My goal with this podcast is not just to create content for content’s sake, but to craft episodes that are meaningful, helpful and practical to you, our listeners and audience. I know that the questions you grapple with aren't just about how to increase profit margin or reach. And while that's very important, many of you are also pondering how to make a bigger impact how to engage with your communities more deeply, and how to share your mission more powerfully. The essence of marketing the heart of it, which is why I love it so much, always circles back to your purpose, your mission and who you serve in the market. A well thought through marketing and branding strategy doesn't promote a product or service, it magnifies your mission and start your movement. It echoes your purpose, and it firmly plans your position within your industry. By renaming our podcasts the Mission-Driven Marketing podcast, we are reaffirming our commitment to this belief. We're reiterating our promise to help you navigate the marketing landscape now with a one size fits all approach, but with strategies that are deeply aligned with your unique mission. So, thank you for traveling along with me on this journey. I can't wait to dive into this new chapter with you. So, let's continue to make our missions matter and ignite change together.

Laura 02:54

That's a wrap on another episode of the Mission-Driven marketing podcast. We hope our discussion today sparked fresh insights and inspired you to continue using marketing as a force for good. Remember, every strategy and story shared here is another step towards making a positive impact. And if you found value in this episode, be sure to subscribe, share it

with your network and visit us at Joybrandcreative.com For more resources. I'm your host Laura Meyer signing off until next time, remember the change we wish to see begins with us keep making your mission matter and let's ignite change together.

Welcome to the Mission-Driven Marketing Podcast! Whether you're an admissions professional, marketing strategist, or educational leader, this podcast provides you with actionable ideas and inspiration to drive meaningful enrollment growth. With years of experience in the field, your host Laura Meyer brings her expertise and passion to every episode, offering insightful discussions and practical strategies to help increase enrollments for educational institutions. Join us as we delve into topics such as personalized marketing techniques, digital strategies, community engagement, and the power of storytelling to connect with prospective students. Get ready to embark on a mission to transform your institution's enrollment strategies and make a lasting impact in the educational landscape.


#162: Harnessing the Power of Communication with Carrie Fox, Founder & CEO of Mission Partners


#160: The Myth of "If You Build It, They Will Come": Exploring Why Your Program Needs a Proactive Marketing Strategy